Minimalist Rules for Sortocracy

Minimalist* Rules for Sortocracy:

  1. Sortocracy recognizes all States* have legitimate power to control the presence of individuals on their respective territories.  This includes exclusion or exile of anyone for any reason whatsoever.
  2. Sortocracy requires that all States provide relocation for anyone, and their dependents, requesting emigration or being exiled. This does _not_ necessarily include relocation of capital assets claimed as “property” by those relocating.  “Property rights” are defined by States themselves, not by Sortocracy. Their dependents include any children that have not been given up for adoption.
  3. Sortocracy grants States territorial value in proportion to a census of their members.  Sortocracy issues cash flow to States for territorial rent.   This money is backed by territorial value.  States then competitively bid to rent territory from Sortocracy.
  4. New individuals qualify for admission to Sortocracy  under one of 2 conditions:
    1. Inheritance:  For example, an ancestor of a child may will his membership to a descendant.
    2. Territorial acquisition:  A State admitting an individual as a new member of Sortocracy must add territory to Sortocracy equal in value a member’s territorial rent.
  5. If no other State will accept a relocating member, at least one State of Nature must be set aside for such members in which human group selection is suppressed by rules enforcing individual sovereignty, including death penalty and deadly natural duel as nature’s preferred dispute processing of last resort.

This eliminates prisons, war over territory and tyranny in all its forms including liberal democracy’s tyranny of the majority limited only by a vague laundry list of selectively enforced “human rights”.

*Sortocracy achieves the aim of radical minarchism by recognizing the individual’s right to territory is prior to group authority in the form of government, including any more elaborate notions of “property”.  This is founded on the recognition that access to territory is a necessary condition of life and that, prior to group force, such as government, such access is often granted through natural aggression between individuals.

One thought on “Minimalist Rules for Sortocracy

  1. James Bowery Post author

    Estimating the land rent stream using the United States as an example:

    Total land value of the United States (according to the Federal Reserve) is $15 trillion, supporting 315 million people of which 250 million are adults. This is $60k land value per adult citizen. Historic land lease rates are between 5% and 10% of land value per annum. A citizen’s dividend earmarked for territorial allocation to sort proponents of social theories into governments that test them would be between $250 and $500 per month.

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